
  • Site & Sever Update

    Today we updated the servers version up to 8.0.3. We did not had the time to test it deep but at first view all seems to work fine and for sure we noticed less error/warnings messages. Also HG seems to work a bit faster, but maybe its just a first ...
  • Upgrade to new site

    Let us say: WOOOOOOOOOW!!!! After a looong work, the new site it is on line and we are proud to say that it is all from our job, only few parts are from 3rd parties library. There is a small wiki, a blog and.... tadammmm... in few days we will be ...
  • Endivatomic World startup

    We started this grid few months ago and... we are still wondering how deep the White Rabbit hole could be. At the moment this grid is not meant to be public; its to be taken more as an experiment. This means we are not ready to take subscriptions nor ...


Grid status

grid status:on line
AV on line:0
last week:5
HG visitors:2.847